VHF Contest 2016
QTH Říčany - JN79IX
IC-7400, 100W, 9el. M2, Remote control from Chesterfield, UK
The weekend of 3th-5th of September was the annual VHF Contest. I don’t have the ability to store or even setup my antennas in Chesterfield so I have decided to setup my remote station back at home in the Czech Republic. I had placed a coaxial relay below my antennas during my last holiday so I can switch between my vertical antenna and 9 element M2 remotely. Unfortunately, I can’t control the rotator on my PC, so the M2 antenna is in a fixed position beaming somewhere to northwest. I was only on the band on Saturday in the evening and for 2 hours in the morning on Sunday. I worked with 65 stations and my ODX was 614 km with DL2YDS from JO32. Most of the contacts were CW as it is more comfortable for me and I can be sure that there is no problem with my modulation. Everything worked well. The only problem I had was during the contact with OK1KRI when suddenly my remote desktop connection turned off. Overall, I am very happy that I am QRV again.

My Icom on the webcam
I am looking forward to hearing you on the bands.
73! Michal OK1GHZ